How Do You Win The Slot Machines In Pokemon Yellow


Keith Burgun is a well-known and respected game designer, and I've had the pleasure of interviewing him before (for my book #shamelessplug). His game 100 Rogues is considered by many to be one of the best rougelikes on the iPhone/iPad, and I'll likely be among the first to purchase his upcoming book on game design.

The slot machines in the game center have different odds, so be sure to abandon a machine that's not paying off at all. Your best bet is to always save your game before you play at a machine. Make a beat of how most likely you see it, and go inbetween the beats. The first one is the quickest. For the second one, make one more beat and check out again. It'll go fairly slower.

Despite my immense respect for Burgun, I disagree strongly with some of his thoughts on RPGs. Burgun believes that 'grinding' (which is when players can fight random enemies indefinitely to level up) makes RPGs 'a bad idea.' The crux of his argument is this: 'Grinding is a low-risk activity that the player can do repeatedly for a real gain. In any game that has grinding, grinding is the optimal move. In any game that has grinding, it becomes a matter of not 'what is the best move?' for the player, but 'how much can I stand to bore myself for my own gain?' Call me crazy, but I think games should motivate players to do exciting things, not repetitive and boring tasks over and over again.'

I definitely see Burgun's point. There are far, far too many RPGs that force players to grind away for hours on end, simply so they can artificially 'increase their abilities' by slowly leveling up. The original Final Fantasy games are perfect examples of this, as are even the most recent games in the Dragon Quest series. However, it is possible to design a game that implements grinding as a worthwhile, interesting element. My favorite go-to example: the Pokémon series.

I've been re-playing through Pokémon Yellow recently, so I'll stick to that as the basis for my argument in favor of grinding as a good game design element.

In Pokémon Yellow, players are given total freedom to grind as much as they want. If you're a maniac that wants to hang out in the grassy fields near Pallet Town for dozens of hours, mercilessly slaughtering hundreds of Pidgeys and Rattatas, you're free to do so. You could theoretically never leave these fields, slaving away to shape your Pikachu into an invincible killing machine.

Obviously, no player would actually play the game this way. The amount of experience you get from each battle would slow to a trickle as your Pikachu got stronger, making your time investment pretty worthless.

When I recently played through the opening sequence of Yellow, I was aware that I'd need Pokémon capable of taking down Brock's rock-type team (he's the first gym leader). I had several options here:

1) Spend a couple of miserable hours leveling up my Pikachu by grinding against wild Pokémon, then brute-force my way through Brock's team.

2) Catch and train a Mankey, which is a fighting-type Pokémon (his moves are super-effective against rock-type Pokémon). Even twelve-year-olds know that Mankey sucks, though.

3) Catch and train a Nidoran, which learns a fighting-type attacks at level 12.

The problem with option one is that it would take forever, and would be terribly boring. Becoming overly dependent on my Pikachu would also mean that the rest of the game could become difficult.

Option two is the fastest solution, but only a Digimon fan would be dumb enough to play through the entire game with a Mankey in their party.

Ultimately, I went with option three. I trained up my Nidoran (which I'd lovingly nicknamed Jay-Z) until he learned the fighting-type move 'double-kick.' I then double-kicked Brock's face and moved on to the next challenge.

The Pokémon games are full of challenges that give players these sorts of decisions to make. While you are always given the choice to grind your way through situations, there's also always another more intelligent solution. Whenever you find that better option and win battles by implementing it, you feel like you've really earned your victory.

By giving players the freedom to grind if they so choose, the designers of the Pokémon games have given players incentive to think creatively—to find the quicker path and increases the flexibility of their team. Playing the game intelligently (by choosing a diverse team and doing well in battle) removes the need to grind and makes you feel smarter than your friends.

Especially those friends that like Digimon.

Ryan Rigney
Contributing Writer
Date: January 25, 2012

How Do You Win The Slot Machines In Pokemon Yellow

*The views expressed within this article are solely the opinion of the author and do not express the views held by Cheat Code Central.*

Pokemon Yellow Gameboy Frequently Asked Questions

POJO NOTE: Many of you (like me) have recently got a genuine Mew via the Stadium 2000 tour. As a result many of you have had trouble controlling it, so I Cut and Pasted an old FAQ up to the top of the list as a helpful reminder. Remember, Pokemon you've traded for are harder to control than your own! Hope this helps... have fun! Aaron

Q: When I try to attack with my Pok�mon, it just ignores me. Why won't my Pok�mon Obey me?
A: That Pok�mon's level is too high for you to control it. Until you get the corresponding Badge for its level, you will not be able to control it.

Q. How can I get into the Cinnabar Gym? The door is locked!
A. The Key to Blaine's Gym is in the Pokemon House West of the Gym. The elusive Key is in the Basement! You will need to jump down from the 3rd floor to get there.

Q: How do I get past the guards blocking the Card Key in Silph Co.?
A: This is a little tricky, be patient. Go to the guard in the southwest and step on the Warp Tile near him. You will warp to the ninth floor. Step back on the tile, and face south as you do so. When you return to the fifth floor, step off the tile to the south and continue right to get the key.
Why doesn't the trainer in Cerulean City give me Bulbasaur after I beat Misty?
A: You need to prove yourself to be a good trainer by treating your Pokemon well! Make sure Pikachu is happy when you speak to the trainer in order to get Bulby. Pikachu likes it when you take him to the PokeCenter and feed him Potions!

What level does Pikachu need to be at to evolve him in the Yellow version?
A: In the Yellow version Pikachu refuses to evolve no matter what level he is at or even if you give him a Thunderstone!

Q: Which Pokemon cannot be found in the Yellow version?
A: Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill, Ekans, Arbok, Raichu, Meowth, Persian, Koffing, Weezing, Jynx, Electabuzz, and Magmar cannot be caught in the Yellow version anywhere!

Q: How do I get Golem, Alakazam, Gengar, and Machamp?
A: In order to obtain these 4 Pokemon you must trade their pre-evolution forms (Graveler, Kadabra, Haunter, and Machoke) via the link cable!

In the Yellow Version is it possible to catch all of the Pokemon without trading?
A: Nope, even in the Yellow version you still need to trade to catch every single Pokemon.
Q: Were can I find Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle?
A: A trainer in Cerulean city will give you Bulbasaur after you defeat Misty, North of Cerulean City a trainer will give you Charmander if you talk to him, and Officer Jenny in Vermillion City will give you Squirtle once you defeat Lt. Surge.

Q: Is there really a Mew? Can I catch Mew?
A: The only way to obtain Mew is with either a Gameshark code or if you attend a Game Boy tournament held by Nintendo around the country.

Q: Can I trade US Pok�mon with the Japanese Pok�mon?
A: No, the US version and Japanese version of Pok�mon are not compatible.

Q: What does 'Area Unknown' mean in my Pok�dex?
A: That means that there is no known location to find that Pok�mon, it may have to be evolved from another Pok�mon.

Q: After getting a badge, the trainer told me that I can use Flash/Cut/etc. How do I use it?
A: You must first find the related HM.

Q: How can I get more money after defeating all of the other trainers?
A: You can get more money by using Pay Day in battle. You can also keep beating the Elite 4 to get more $$.

Q: I fought a (Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos, Mewtwo, Snorlax) why won't he fight me again?
A: You only have one chance (or two in the case of Snorlax) to defeat and capture these Pok�mon. If you lost to these guys, you should restart the game from your last save, and try again. Read our walk-thru for tips on catching these

Q: How can I catch another trainer's Pok�mon?
A: You cannot catch another trainer's Pok�mon. You can only catch a Pok�mon you have encountered in the wild.

Q: Can I stop my Pok�mon from evolving? Will they be able to evolve later?
A: Yes, just press the B Button while they are changing to stop the evolution. As the character continues to gain levels, they will attempt to evolve again.
Q: Should I stop a Pokemon from evolving?
A: It’s up to you. Don’t effect the game too much really. Some people like Pikachu just the way he is.

Q: What is the difference between normal and boosted experience?
A: Only traded Pok�mon will gain boosted experience. They get about one and a half times the experience a normal Pok�mon would get. Traded Pok�mon grow faster, but they are weaker.

Q: What difference does the Pok�mon type make?
A: The most important thing about a Pok�mon is their attack types. The key to defeating any Pok�mon is using an attack of the type that it is weak against. For instance: A Fire Pok�mon will be strong against Ice attacks, but it will be weak against Water attacks. If you attack another Pok�mon with the type of attack that they are weak against, you will do more damage.

Q: How can I win more money at the Game Corner?
A: The slot machines in the Game Corner have different odds. Experiment with them to see which one pays out the most frequently, and stick with it.

Q:: What does the little Pokeball next to a Pok�mon in the Pok�dex mean? Why does the game say I own more than I have?
A: It represents the fact that you have had a particular Pok�mon in your possession, either by capturing it or by evolving a different Pok�mon. It does not necessarily mean that you currently have access to that Pok�mon.

Q: Why does my screen keep flashing while I am walking around?
A: One of your Pok�mon has been either poisoned, burned, or frozen. To fix this, you must return to a Pok�mon Center and heal them, or give them an appropriate cure for what ails them. If you do not heal them, they will keep being damaged and eventually faint.

Q: Who is this guy that rates my nicknames? How do I change the nickname of a Pok�mon?
A: You can speak to the official name rater in the bottom middle building in Lavender Town and he will sometimes allow you to change the name of a Pok�mon. You will not always be allowed to change the name though.

Q: How come this man won't let me walk past just outside Viridian City?
A: If you go to the top of Viridian City, there will be a cranky old man who will not let you pass. This is another of the RPG elements of the game. In order to get past this man, you must give the package to Prof Oak and get the
Pokedex. Once you have the Pok�dex, if you return to this old man, he will now let you pass..

Q: Where can I find Cut?
A: Cut is found aboard the S.S. Anne. It is a gift from the captain of the ship after you give him a good back massage while he's tossing his cookies.

Q: Where can I find Flash?
A: When you emerge from the Viridian Forest side of Diglett's Cave, go south to find Prof. Oak's Aide, who will give you the Flash HM, but only if you have collected 10 different Pokemon.

Q: Where can I find Fly?
A: In the recluse's house, north of Cycling Road. Use cut to reach her.

Q: Where can I find Strength HM?
A: First, you must find the Warden's Teeth in the Safari Zone. When you return them to him, he will give you the Strength HM.

Q: Where can I find Surf HM?
A: You can find the Surf HM at the secret house in the Safari Zone. You can't use Surf until you win the Soul Badge from Koga in Fuchsia City.

Q: How do I use a TM or HM?
A: Press Start. Select Item. Select the TM or HM and the Pokemon Screen will appear. If a Pokemon is 'able', you can teach the Pokemon the move.

Q: How do I use Cut and Surf?
A: First you must have the proper badge that allows you to use these moves outside of battle (see the instruction manual that came with the game). Second, you must be in the right places, facing a bush or standing near water.

Q: Where are the three different Fishing Rods?
A: Old Rod >Found in Virmillion City; Good Rod >Found on the fishing docks south of Lavender Town; Super Rod >Found in Fuchsia City

Q: What does the Moon Stone do?
A: It evolves certain Pokemon, such as Clefairy. But don't evolve Clefairy too soon.

Q: Is there a place to buy Moon Stones?
A: No, you'll have to find them.
Q: How do I get past the Saffron City Gate Guards?
A: The Guards are thirsty. On the roof of the Celadon City Department Store, there are vending machines that dispense bottles of water. Give one of the guards a bottle and he will let you pass.

Q: Where are the Fire Stones, Water Stones, etc.?
A: You can buy all these stones except Moon Stones in the Celadon Dept. Store.

How Do You Win The Slot Machines In Pokemon Yellow Gold

Q:: Can the Stones (Fire, Water, Moon, etc.) be used more than once?
A: No.

Q: What does the Nugget do?
A: It’s only good for $5000 by trading at a mart. Take the money and run.

Q: How do I catch Tauros (or any other Pokemon) in the Safari Zone?
A: Sweat and tears. Just keeping tossing those Pokeballs.

Q: How do I get to the Power Plant?
A: Get to Route 9 and dive into the river to the north. Swim south until you see dry land leading to the Power Plant.
Q: Where is the Master Ball? Is there more than one?
A: There is only one Master Ball in the game. You will receive it when you save the president of Silph Co. Save this for a tough to catch Pokemon (see the walk-thru).

Q: How do you use DIG and where can you DIG?
A:You can use it like the other HMs. Use it to escape caves.

Q: How do I enter the Saffron Gym?
A: Beat Giovanni at the top of the Silph Company.

Q: How do I get into Silph Co. A guard is blocking the way.
A: You have to beat everyone at the Fighting DoJo, then the guard will move away and take a siesta.

Q: Which Pokeball (besides the Master Ball) is best against Mewtwo?
A: Ultra Balls and Sleep Attacks work best.

Q: Where can I find Mr. Mime?
A: In a small hut south of the Viridian Forest. Use the Cut HM and bring along a Clefairy to trade for it.

Q: How do I wake up the sleeping Pokemon 'Snorlax'?
A: Use the Poke Flute.

Q: Where is the Poke Flute?
A: In the Pokemon Tower in Lavender Town. You must first save Mr. Fugi from Team Rocket inside.

How Do You Win The Slot Machines In Pokemon Yellowstone National Park

Q: Where is the Earth Badge?
A: You will find the Earth Badge in the Viridian Gym after you defeat the other seven Gym Leaders.

Q: Where do I find Mewtwo?
A: In the Unknown Dungeon, north of Cerulean City.

Q: Where is the Unknown Dungeon?
A: North of Cerulean City. The unknown dungeon only becomes accessible after you've completed a bout against the elite four and finished the game.

Q: How do I see ghosts?
A: You need to defeat the head of team rocket in the game corner. You will get the Silph Scope then.

Q: What do I do with the Dome or Helix Fossil?
A: Bring it to the Cinnabar Lab to create new Pokemon. You can only get one Fossil per game.

How Do You Win The Slot Machines In Pokemon Yellowstone

How Do You Win The Slot Machines In Pokemon Yellow And Black

Q: What do I do with the Old Amber?
A: Bring it to the Cinnabar Lab to get a dinosaur Pokemon

Q: How do I decode Lt. Surge's Password?
A: Look in the trashcans in front of the locked door. There are two switches. If you find one, the other one is in the next can.
Q: What does the programmer in Celadon City give me when I collect 150 Pokemon?
A: He just gives you a diploma, which is essentially worthless, except to say you got it.

How To Win The Slot Machine In Pokemon Yellow

Q: Where can I get a bike?
A: You get a voucher in Vermillion, and trade the voucher in Cerulan Bike Shop

This information was obtained from the Nintendo website, various newsgroups, and from input from visitors to this site. Thanks to everyone. Something missing? Let us know. - PoJo