How To Rob The Casino In Gta 5 Online



How To Rob The Casino In Gta 5 Online

  • First, you need to some of the Transporter locations. There are two drivers and two navigators. It is recommended that the navigators to. The vans are easier to find.
  • In the next Mission you have to kidnap an IT-specialist. To do this, you should go in front of the goal island to the smaller island next to it, and already some of the enemy with sniper rifles off to fight back.
  • Next, you need to steal a Server. In the fight against the Server-guard, you should protect especially to the sniper on the roofs and at the house corners to seek cover.
  • Then they ambushed a convoy. Travel with several cars, and they form a road block. This provides in the fight of good coverage.
  • In the last preparation you need to steal a speed your motorcycles. Use the main entrance, but you can surprise the opponent from behind - here you also have more coverage.
  • On the final day, you Rob the big Bank. If you have caught the prey, they need to escape quickly. Do not wait until you have completed all of the police officers, because there are constantly more. You have arrived at the bikes, provide you with the protection of the West from the boxes. It can also go two player on a motorcycle, a rider can concentrate on the shoot.

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